How I see Avengers: End Game

Hello again everyone... I know it has been a while since the movie is out, but I just want to share how I view Avengers: End Game. If you expect no spoiler, you should close this page because I might intentionally or unintentionally reveal something you don't want to know for the moment. If you don't care, you may continue read the page. Maybe you can watch the movie now and come back later to read this page.

I will be discussing the movie from the plot story, actor, and CGI Scene. So, let's begin.

== STORY ==
The movie was about how the remaining avengers trying to bring the population back to existence. The Avengers was using Quantum Realm theory to make it happen. I was quite amaze on how they portray the back to the past scene by referencing another MCU movies. It kind of creating a plot twist of every other MCU movies. But not this whole time travel thing is perfect. There are a lot of question on how the time travel really works in the movie. A character in the movie was trying to explain the whole time travel thing is unconventional but it is just too complicated that it is quite a bit confusing for certain people.

Although the movie is 3 hour long, I don't feel like it was that long at all. This means that the story is being packed perfectly that it doesn't makes me feel bored or drowsy. But still maybe they try to cut several scene to 3 hours, that the back to past scene was quite fast that I wish more to see more of it. The movie had a little bit of comedy in it (all thanks to Thor) which makes me forgive the other 'WTF' scene that I feel too much or just not that suitable.

This movie is all about our affection to the character, by sacrificing the main Avengers like the Black Widow and Iron Man, it breaks almost every fan's heart. But it is also a good way of marketing the movie as the most epic one. Also Captain America who choose to stay in the past and live his life is one of the good ending the movie. (I had big hopes for Captain Marvel since her last movie is not too great, but she didn't do much in this movie. So...)

No post credit scene was a shock to me, but a small hint as a replacement was there and give all the fans a stir on speculating what next for the series.

As for the acting skill of the whole movie, I would not comment to much since all of them are doing pretty great. But my favourite this time is THOR a.k.a Chris Hemsworth.

I would not comment much, but as I had written in my previous blog, End Game CGI is better than Captain Marvel, of course. All the scene is perfect to me, I couldn't see something out of place. My favourite CGI was probably the ending scene where everyone come back to fight, it was like grand and powerful create that assurace that everything would turn to be better. But... I wouldn't say it had the greatest CGI that I have ever seen just perfect for the movie.

What I love about this movie is abviously the character, the story is just average to me. I would give this movie 8/10.The movie is fine but not that great that will makes you remember it for your life time as the greatest. If you had different opinion on how you would rate this movie... Comment down below!

See ya in the next post.


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